look for rtems drives for flash

Aaron J. Grier aaron at frye.com
Wed Apr 4 21:26:06 UTC 2007

On Wed, Apr 04, 2007 at 04:10:21PM +0800, sunxiangyanghappy wrote:
> We've been attempting to get rtems running on a sparc platform.The
> hardware has 1GBytes of FLASH .Unfortuantely we've beenunable to
> progress very far.I need your help!I look for rtems drivers sources
> for flash.If you have any sources,could you email
> to:sunxiangyanghappy at 163.com. It would begreatly appreciated. Any help
> would be good!Kindest regards,sun

Hi Sun, I have only written drivers for i2c EEPROM and NVRAM devices,
and do not have any experience with large flash, except for IDE- and
USB- connected compactflash.

how is your flash connected to your RTEMS system?

  Aaron J. Grier  |   Frye Electronics, Tigard, OR   |  aaron at frye.com

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