I want to get the document of rtems4.5

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at oarcorp.com
Fri Aug 3 17:48:45 UTC 2007

Robert S. Grimes wrote:
> Kenneth J. Peters wrote:
>> And please keep the old docs available,
> I can't speak for OAR, but they certainly don't seem to be in a hurry to
> rid themselves of past data...
We aren't as long as disk space isn't a problem. We did move
old snapshots and some snapshot toolsets offline a while back.
It was mainly to stop people from mirroring multi gigabytes
of old junk binaries.
>>  or warn the community if you 
>> decide to remove them, so we can capture a copy. 
> Sorry, but wouldn't it be wise for you to be more proactive, just in
> case?  ;-)
Paranoia is a good thing. :)

One thing I have done for multiple customers over the years
is to create a trimmed down release CD that has just what you
need for a project -- no extra tools, etc.  In some organizations,
the CM people seem to like this.


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