回复: about fs for flash on rtems

波 卢 lubo1720 at yahoo.com.cn
Tue Aug 7 01:21:01 UTC 2007

  I think if we need a filesystem and we have a flash on our board, It's a good idea.BTW, what about yaffs?
  Have a nice day @_@

Yu Chen <chyyuu at gmail.com> 写道:
I found rtems didn't support flash file systems (such as jffs2 on
linux or ecos). Is it a good idea to port jffs2 on rtems?
any advices are welcome!

Best Regards
Chen Yu
Laboratory of Pervasive Computing,
Dept. of Computer Science and Technology
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R. China
Tel: +86 10 6278 4141 ext. 801 (Office)
E-Mail: mailto:yuchen at tsinghua.edu.cn chyyuu at gmail.com
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