question about capture component

Robert S. Grimes rsg at
Tue Aug 7 18:23:52 UTC 2007


Funny, I just started using this today!  It is actually documented on
the Wiki:

I've also started to put together a page on this and some of the other
debugging/monitoring facilities that RTEMS provides here:

For me, I just followed the directions from the first link above,
namely, include these files:

  #include <rtems/monitor.h>
  #include <rtems/capture-cli.h>

and these calls:

  rtems_monitor_init (0);
  rtems_capture_cli_init (0);

in your main init function.  Then, when you run it, you'll get a command
prompt on your primary serial console (I had to hit carriage return once


Yu Chen wrote:
> hi,
>   I  found /rtems- is a "RTEMS
> Performance Monitoring and Measurement Framework", but I didn't find
> any testsuit or example to use it.
>   Is capture component is out of date?
>   or the /rtems- can replace capture?

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