mcf5235 / rtems4.7.99 / GoAhead w/ upload patch and problem with output (buffer?)

CWolfe at CWolfe at
Fri Dec 7 17:03:53 UTC 2007

	I'm not sure if you remember or not, but you helped me a while back with tracking 
down errors in the mcf5235 BSP. I am still working with the mcf5235/rtems/goahead. I 
modified the goahead webserver to merge the upload patch to the rtems version (circa rtems 
4.7.99, don't know if this has been done otherwise, so let me know if you think people could 
use the code...) Anyway, I'm having a problem and i'm not sure what the best approach to 
solving it is. My problem is that some data corruption is intermittantly occurring in files served 
by GoAhead. For eaxmple, while serving certain pages, certain jpeg files will contain visual 
corruption, or may be so corrupted as to not display. This corruption is browser dependent 
and will rarely show up in firefox or opera but is common in internet explorer. I assume this 
implies a timing issue(since the pages in question are asp and non-cached but contain 
images which are served each time the page is fetched), and my suspicion is that there is a 
problem with the mutexing/semaphore use, but i am not sure. i would like to serialize the 
webservers serving of files but i have been told that this is not necessarily a good idea. My 
understanding is that the websrver should be threadsafe, and that the netdriver is properly 
blocking shared resources. Where do i look to eliminate this problem? I mean, it essentially 
seems like the individual files are getting interleaved with eachother in the output buffer and 
the buffers are not being kept separate, or something to that effect. 
Thank you for your time, and I would greatly appreciate any help you have to offer.
Christopher Wolfe
Motion Control Systems, Inc.

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