Looking for BSP for Atmel AT91SAM7X-EK

Andrei Chichak groups at chichak.ca
Thu Dec 13 04:27:45 UTC 2007

Thanks Joel,

Are there any docs around dealing with putting together a new BSP? I 
have taken a look at the BSP and porting guides but there doesn't 
seem to be a section on which configuration files to munge to get the 
bootstrap procedure to pick up the new BSP. Right now all I can do is 
guess and grep...


At 12:39 PM 12/11/2007, you wrote:
>Andrei Chichak wrote:
>>Hi All,
>>Has anyone got a BSP for the Atmel AT91SAM7X series of processor?
>>I am just starting work with the AT91SAM7X-EK evaluation board but 
>>I don't need
>>the fancy stuff like ethernet, just the basic processor and serial.
>I guess no one has a good answer.  The list of ARM CPU models
>in libcpu is:
>AM_CONDITIONAL(at91rm9200, test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "at91rm9200")
>AM_CONDITIONAL(mc9328mxl, test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "mc9328mxl")
>AM_CONDITIONAL(s3c2400, test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "s3c2400")
>AM_CONDITIONAL(lpc22xx, test "$RTEMS_CPU_MODEL" = "lpc22xx")
>The csb337 is an at91rm9200 based BSP if that is close at all.
>If you end up writing any code, please submit it.
>>Andrei Chichak
>>Systems Developer
>>CBF Systems
>>Suite 4-038
>>11421 Saskatchewan Drive
>>Edmonton, Alberta
>>Canada T6G 2M9
>>V: (780) 628-2072
>>F: (780) 628-5542
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