Problems about porting RTEMS on a BSP close to mbx8xx

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Fri Feb 23 14:30:47 UTC 2007

Julien Delange wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm porting an old BSP (called spif[1]), to RTEMS 4.7, and encounter
> some problems. I read the documentation on and I didn't
> find any hints. Therefore, I have some questions about bsp porting :
> 1. On the wiki[2], I saw that mb8xx bsp does not run out of the box.
> But some patches can be applied to correct this. How could I retrieve
> these patches ?
This was PR822 and it has been in CVS since September 2005.  If you checked
the code out from CVS from the head or 4.7 branch, it it in the source.
> 2. Our BSP fails when invoking _IO_Initialize_all_drivers, and hangs
> when trying to initialize the first driver (major number=0). After some
> investigations, it seems to fail in
> libcpu/powerpc/mpc8xx/console-generic/console-generic.c
> in the m8xx_uart_smc_initialize() function. We saw the page [3], but
> we didn't find any idea to fix the error. Does anyone have any idea
> for this bug?
Thomas might have some idea but you might have a different crystal and
the math is failing.  I just don't know.
> 3. We saw there are many rtems_io_register_name functions, but the
> one defined in sapi/src/io.c is not used. We cannot find out why it's
> not used. Is this function deprecated ?
It is now a wrapper for using the POSIX filesystem infrastructure.  See
cpukit/src/imfs/ioman.c.   It is not deprecated but the table implementation
in io.c is not used anymore. 
> Thanks for any answer,
> Best regards,
> [1] : The spif card is near the mb8xx card
> [2] :
> [3] :
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