Debuggine applications - Resend

Paul Whitfield paulw at
Mon Jan 8 01:46:21 UTC 2007

Ian Caddy wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> I was waiting for someone more knowledgable than me to reply, but looks 
> like you have ended up with me.
> Some of the information below could well be considered hacks, but 
> without getting a valid response to get it working sometimes these 
> workarounds are required ... ;-)
> Robert S. Grimes wrote:
>> Alright, I'm very confused right now.  Looking at it from an application
>> developer's point of view, what is the correct way to build a "debug"
>> version of my application?  And what is required to build it?  To
>> provide a bit of context, I would think the following commands, executed
>> from the application directory, would make sense:
>>     $ make debug
>>     $ insight
> Since either 4.6 or 4.7 the debug build of RTEMS seems to be broken, or 
> at least not working for us.  That is not really a problem for us, as we 
> only use the optimised builds.  It might have been something we did when 
> we moved from 4.5 to 4.6 or 4.6 to 4.7, but I have heard other people 
> also indicating that it doesn't seem to work for them either.

It seems that this feature was deliberately disabled, I think as part of 
the clean up of the autoconf files.

See :



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