Help for fopen()

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Tue Jul 31 19:42:09 UTC 2007

Kate Feng wrote:
> I must have missed some simple setup steps  that
> fopen() does not seem to work anymore.
If this is a new statically linked application, did
you remember to configure IMFS and enough
file descriptors?

So many possible problems with so little to guess
on but I will try.
> fopen("mydir/test.dat","w") returns error 2 : "/* No such file or
> directory */"
> even though it does exist.
I assume pwd = /.
> fopen("test.dat","w") returns a file descriptor and
> no error message.  However, "test.dat" does not exist.
> Even if  "test.dat" exists and is world writable, it
> does not seem to respond to the following
This is probably not it but you asked for simple explanations.
When I use the tarfs loader and have an empty directory in
it, I have to be careful to do mkdir on empty directories
at startup because "cvs up -Pd' will remove them and my
automatically created rootfs.tar image won't have it.
> fprintf(fp, "test\n");
>   fflush(fp);
>   fsync(fileno(fp));
>   fclose(fp);
> The file still remains empty and  untouched.
> Any  assistance is highly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Kate
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