Request Help with NFS Client Test

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Wed Jul 18 19:40:23 UTC 2007

Thomas Doerfler wrote:
> Joel,
> I had a look into the possibly offending function
> "mpc5200_eth_mii_read". There is a diagnostic "printf" included, which
> is wrapped by a "ETH_DEBUG" condition. I think you have activated
> "ETH_DEBUG", so maybe the printf kills your system? 
I'm absolutely perplexed, yet pleased at the same time.  I
rebuilt the BSP, reinstalled and ran it again.  Now it works
fine.  Maybe I had debug in the NFS turned on somewhere I
shouldn't have.  Who knows but now it is working.

I have NO outstanding modifications to RTEMS, NFS, or
the network demos at this point.
> I was busy to restore our server in the last days :-(
> so I only found time to look into this today. For convenience, can you
> send me your test application source code, so I can try it out on our
> hardware.
:( That doesn't sound like fun.  I bet you are glad I found it.

> wkr,
> Thomas.
> Till Straumann schrieb:
>> Your test program works fine under qemu (0.9.0)
>> netconfig.h:
>>  - use bootp
>>  - driver name "ne1"
>>  - driver attach rtems_ne_driver_attach
>>  - *** irqno  9 *** [qemu uses 9 not 5 !! ]
>> init.c:
>> mount(
>>   & dummy,
>>   & nfs_fs_ops,
>>   "",  /* use export applicable to you */
>>   "/home"
>> );
>> I created a iso CD image with grub 0.94 (booting over virtual
>> network with etherboot 5.4.3 also works) and I use
>> qemu -cdrom isoimg -net tap -net nic,model=ne2k_isa
>> /etc/qemu-ifup:
>> ifconfig tap0 netmask up
>> /etc/dhcpd.conf (note that 'filename' is not applicable here;
>> we boot using grub. I used this filename for recent etherboot tests)
>> subnet netmask {
>>        option routers;
>>        next-server;
>>        option ntp-servers;
>>        option domain-name-servers;
>>        host qemu {
>>         hardware ethernet 52:54:00:12:34:56;
>>         fixed-address;
>>         filename "ssrlApps/i386-rtems/pc686/bin/rtems.exe";
>>         option uarg "HELLO=hello";
>>        }
>> }
>> After setting up the NFS server to export to
>> and the dhcp server (after launching qemu which creates
>> the tap0 IF and configures it to I boot
>> (grub) kernel (cd)/bin/nfsClientTest.exe
>> (grub) boot
>> Then the test boots and runs just fine. It lists
>> the NFS mount and terminates.
>> HTH
>> -- Till
>> Joel Sherrill wrote:
>>> Till Straumann wrote:
>>>> How do you use qemu/PPC with RTEMS?
>>>> What BSP do you use and how do you boot it?
>>> I wish we could use qemu/ppc with RTEMS. :(
>>> I recompiled for pc386 and used the regular old Fedora
>>> qemu RPM binary.
>>> qemu -M isapc -m 8 -boot a -fda /home/joel/qemu/pc386_fda \
>>>   -hda fat:/home/joel/qemu/hd -serial stdio \
>>>   -net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=00:80:7F:22:61:77,model=ne2k_isa \
>>>   -net tap,vlan=0
>>> /etc/qemu-ifup is:
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>>   TUN_DEV=$1
>>>   TUN_HOST=
>>> /sbin/ifconfig $TUN_DEV $TUN_HOST
>>> I am using the same old qemu specific networkconfig.h but I had
>>> to switch the static IP to to make it work.  As best I can
>>> tell, is used by a virtual SMB server now.  I have attached
>>> this file.
>>> I didn't have any luck getting the RTEMS application to use DHCP
>>> inside of qemu.
>>> I can ping, run the netdemo, run httpd and run nfsclient.  But nfsclient
>>> doesn't successfully mount the remote filesystem.  It could easily
>>> be a routing problem on qemu.
>>> I appreciate the help.  Ralf is finishing up merging the NFS client and
>>> I want to have a test of it in the network demos.
>>> --joel
>>>> T.
>>>> Joel Sherrill wrote:
>>>>> Joel Sherrill wrote:
>>>>>>> In order to make the information provided more useful
>>>>>>> you should:
>>>>>>> a) change your BSP so it produces a stack trace
>>>>>>>     from the exception handler (try
>>>>>>>     libcpu/powerpc/shared/src/stack.c: CPU_print_stack())
>>>>>>> b) post your binary (elf file) along with the register
>>>>>>>     and stack dump.
>>>>>> Wouldn't it be easier to run my test and see if
>>>>>> it works for you with the NFS mounts changed
>>>>>> or is horribly broken?
>>>>>> The back track shows it is a NULL jump in the
>>>>>> network driver.
>>>>>> 0x00053EA8--> 0x0004E080--> 0x0004E164--> 0x00000006--> 0x0004B5D8
>>>>>> 0x0004C2E0--> 0x00069458--> 0x00098A24--> 0x0009899C
>>>>>> 0x00053EA8--> CPU_print_stack
>>>>>> 0x0004E080--> C_exception_handler
>>>>>> 0x0004E164--> push_normalized_frame
>>>>>> 0x00000006--> ?????
>>>>>> 0x0004B5D8--> mpc5200_eth_mii_read
>>>>>> 0x0004C2E0--> mpc5200_fec_txDaemon
>>>>>> 0x00069458--> soconnsleep
>>>>>> 0x00098A24--> _Thread_Handler
>>>>>> 0x0009899C--> _Thread_Handler
>>>>>> Thomas .. can you try this test on your hardware.  I
>>>>>> will commit the NFS client test to the network demos
>>>>>> and hopefully you can track it down.
>>>>> Doesn't crash on qemu.  I can't mount a filesystem
>>>>> on the host OS yet but I suspect that I need to
>>>>> add a route.
>>>>> Till could you try to get this working on qemu and
>>>>> see what magic I am missing?  I have to be close.
>>>>> Please.
>>>>>>> That said -- looking at your source code it seems
>>>>>>> that (at least on the 4.7 branch) using a NULL pointer
>>>>>>> for the first argument to RTEMS 'mount' is illegal.
>>>>>> I saw your comment (gripe?) in the README
>>>>>> and fixed it Friday in CVS.  :)
>>>>>>> You could also use the convenience wrapper 'nfsMount()'
>>>>>>> which does a DNS lookup (non thread-safe gethostbyname!)
>>>>>>> and creates a mount-point (not nested directories, though)
>>>>>>> if necessary:
>>>>>>> nfsMount("server","/export","/home")
>>>>>>> both methods are explained in the rtemsNFS README.
>>>>>> I was trying hard to follow that to create
>>>>>> the example.
>>>>>> I tried the nfsMount call and it didn't even change
>>>>>> the behavior.  Maybe this is just tripping a bug in
>>>>>> the NIC driver. <sigh>
>>>>>> I am going to try this on another BSP and see what happens.
>>>>>> --joel
>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>> T.
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> rtems-users mailing list
>>>>>> rtems-users at
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> /*
>>>  * Network configuration
>>>  *  ************************************************************
>>>  ************************************************************
>>>  *
>>>  *  networkconfig.h,v 1.8 2001/08/31 18:11:43 joel Exp
>>>  */
>>> /*
>>>  *  The following will normally be set by the BSP if it supports
>>>  *  a single network device driver.  In the event, it supports
>>>  *  multiple network device drivers, then the user's default
>>>  *  network device driver will have to be selected by a BSP
>>>  *  specific mechanism.
>>>  */
>>> #define RTEMS_BSP_NETWORK_DRIVER_NAME    "ne1"
>>> #define RTEMS_BSP_NETWORK_DRIVER_ATTACH  rtems_ne_driver_attach
>>> #warning "RTEMS_BSP_NETWORK_DRIVER_NAME is not defined"
>>> #endif
>>> #warning "RTEMS_BSP_NETWORK_DRIVER_ATTACH is not defined"
>>> #endif
>>> #ifdef RTEMS_USE_BOOTP
>>> #undef RTEMS_USE_BOOTP
>>> #endif
>>> /* #define RTEMS_USE_BOOTP */
>>> #include <bsp.h>
>>> /*
>>>  * Define RTEMS_SET_ETHERNET_ADDRESS if you want to specify the
>>>  * Ethernet address here.  If RTEMS_SET_ETHERNET_ADDRESS is not
>>>  * defined the driver will choose an address.
>>>  */
>>> #endif
>>> #if (defined (RTEMS_SET_ETHERNET_ADDRESS))
>>> /* static char ethernet_address[6] = { 0x08, 0x00, 0x3e, 0x12, 0x28,
>>> 0xb1 }; */
>>> static char ethernet_address[6] = { 0x00, 0x80, 0x7F, 0x22, 0x61, 0x77 };
>>> #endif
>>> #ifdef RTEMS_USE_LOOPBACK /*
>>>  * Loopback interface
>>>  */
>>> extern void rtems_bsdnet_loopattach();
>>> static struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig loopback_config = {
>>>     "lo0",                /* name */
>>>     rtems_bsdnet_loopattach,    /* attach function */
>>>     NULL,                /* link to next interface */
>>>     "",            /* IP address */
>>>     "",            /* IP net mask */
>>> };
>>> #endif
>>> /*
>>>  * Default network interface
>>>  */
>>> static struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig netdriver_config = {
>>>     RTEMS_BSP_NETWORK_DRIVER_NAME,        /* name */
>>>     RTEMS_BSP_NETWORK_DRIVER_ATTACH,    /* attach function */
>>> #ifdef RTEMS_USE_LOOPBACK     &loopback_config,        /* link to next
>>> interface */
>>> #else
>>>     NULL,                /* No more interfaces */
>>> #endif
>>> #if (defined (RTEMS_USE_BOOTP))
>>>     NULL,                /* BOOTP supplies IP address */
>>>     NULL,                /* BOOTP supplies IP net mask */
>>> #else
>>>     "",            /* IP address */
>>>     "",        /* IP net mask */
>>> #endif /* !RTEMS_USE_BOOTP */
>>> #if (defined (RTEMS_SET_ETHERNET_ADDRESS))
>>>     ethernet_address,               /* Ethernet hardware address */
>>> #else
>>>     NULL,                           /* Driver supplies hardware
>>> address */
>>> #endif
>>>     0,                /* Use default driver parameters */
>>>     0, /* mtu */
>>>     0, /* rbuf_count */
>>>     0, /* xbuf_count */
>>>     0, /* port */
>>>     9 /* irq */
>>> };
>>> /*
>>>  * Network configuration
>>>  */
>>> struct rtems_bsdnet_config rtems_bsdnet_config = {
>>>     &netdriver_config,
>>> #if (defined (RTEMS_USE_BOOTP))
>>>     rtems_bsdnet_do_bootp,
>>> #else
>>>     NULL,
>>> #endif
>>>     0,            /* Default network task priority */
>>>     0,            /* Default mbuf capacity */
>>>     0,            /* Default mbuf cluster capacity */
>>> #if (!defined (RTEMS_USE_BOOTP))
>>>     "rtems",        /* Host name */
>>>     "",        /* Domain name */
>>>     "",        /* Gateway */
>>>     "",        /* Log host */
>>>     {"" },    /* Name server(s) */
>>>     {"" },    /* NTP server(s) */
>>>     /*
>>>      *  A real example -- DO NOT USE THIS YOURSELF!!!
>>>      */
>>> #if 0
>>>     "dy4",            /* Host name */
>>>     "",    /* Domain name */
>>>     "",       /* Gateway */
>>>     "",         /* Log host */
>>>     {"" },    /* Name server(s) */
>>>     {"" },    /* NTP server(s) */
>>> #endif
>>> #endif /* !RTEMS_USE_BOOTP */
>>> };
>>> /*
>>>  * For TFTP test application
>>>  */
>>> #if (defined (RTEMS_USE_BOOTP))
>>> #else
>>> #define RTEMS_TFTP_TEST_FILE_NAME "tftptest"
>>> #endif
>>> #endif /* _RTEMS_NETWORKCONFIG_H_ */

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