How to Use Interrupts in Applications

Robert S. Grimes rsg at
Wed Jul 25 17:33:08 UTC 2007

Hi Joel,

Thanks for the explanation - I've been looking for that for a long
time!  But of course, good answers so often raise new questions...

Joel Sherrill wrote:
> Old versus new should really be referred to as "simple vectored" or
> "vectored via interrupt controller".  Depending on the CPU
> architecture, some CPUs never have an external PIC while others always
> have an external PIC.
I had no idea that this was the real difference!
> The problem is that the Interrupt Manager was never really intended
> for high level application use.  It is for BSP and device driver
> developers.
Okay, it sure is primarily of importance to BSP and driver developers,
but I'm not sure it's wise to say so exclusively.  I know as an
application developer, it would be great to have all the hardware
details hidden away, but that's not always practical.  Some devices are
just too specialized to justify a formal driver, especially with tight
budgets or special performance requirements.
> The new or vectored interrupt model needs documentation.
> You only get a choice of one or the other depending on the
> architecture you are using.  The PowerPC is in the middle because the
> original port was to the 4xx series which has plenty of interrupt
> vectors so used direct vectors (e.g. old).  The mpc6xx models which
> followed do not have enough vectors and thus are always found with
> PICs.  The PowerPC is finally nearly completely converted to the new
> exception model but given the number of BSPs it has taken a long time.
Understood - I know Thomas has been working rather had on this.  But as
to your characterization of the PowerPC, I'm not sure I'm convinced -
please bear with me, but I'm really no PowerPC expert.  However, I do
know the Xilinx Virtex PowerPC has a number of internal vectors, and at
the same time, it also an external interrupt that is typically connected
to an "external" interrupt controller ("external" here means external to
the PowerPC core, though it is still internal to the Virtex FPGA!). 
Wouldn't this qualify as a "mixed mode" case?
> Unfortunately a very confusing historical artifact.  We didn't name
> the models correctly and ended up with old and new when each is
> appropriate for different architectures.
It's always amazing the power of names, or more precisely, the power of
poorly chosen names, can have on the understandability of our complex
systems!  Not a criticism, for we all fall prey to it from time to
time.  I've spent many hours boring colleagues about what I should call
something, and still gotten it wrong almost as often as right!  Might I
suggest we all agree on an appropriate naming and start moving forward? 
Of course, even that suggestion is difficult.
> If someone could write up User's Manual suitable documentation for the
> PIC Interrupt Model, I would be happy to merge it.
I'm not sure I'm qualified, but if you get no other takers, I'll
volunteer - but it'll probably have to wait a while until I get better
informed through practical experience!


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