The problem with skyeye and csb337
Joel Sherrill
joel.sherrill at
Fri Jun 15 19:46:45 UTC 2007
xi yang wrote:
> hi all:
> Today i try to resolve the problem of csb337 with skyeye,although i
> have not
> got it ,but i got some progresses and i think i have known why the
> ticker program can
> not run with skyeye.
Good progress. I will try to help with the RTEMS part.
> Problems with skyeye.
> 1)At91rm92 of skyeye has not implemented AIC completely.
> 1st.It has not implemented the 32 source vector registers.
> 2ed.When read the AIC_IVR,return the current interrupt number but
> not
> the address of interrupt handler in Source vector registers .
> I don't know why you guys implement it like this ,but in
> at91rm9200 manual
> wirte "The interrupt vector registers contains the vector
> porgrammed by
> the user in the Source Vector Register
> corresponding to the
> current interrupt."
> I guess linux does not use AIC's vector table to manage the
> interrupt,so linux can
> works well with this way,but in real hardware,read AIC_IVR
> return the
> address of handler,and csb337 use AIC's source vector
> registers.
> So i rewrite this part and i am going to wirte a completed
> AIC .
> 3rd.When wirte the AIC_EOICR,skyeye uses the data which be writen
> to this
> register to unset the interrupt pending register.But manual
> write like this
> "The end of interrupt command register is used by the
> interrupt routine
> to indicate that the interrupt treatment is complete.Any
> value can be
> Written because it is only necessary to make a write to
> this register
> location to signal the end of interrupt treatment."
> 4rd. Sky eye has not implemented interrupt prioriy of AIC and the
> interrupt
> nesting stacks,but without these tow features RTEMS also can
> run well
> with skyey.
> 5rd.In at91rm92.h there are a lot of macro like
> #define SOMETHING BASE+offset without
> the brackets(BASE+offset),I think this is dangerous.
> So i want to rewrite the at91rm9200 of skyeye .Kang shuo do you
> agree with
> me?
> 2)Problems with Rtems.
> In the initialization process.
> 1st.It seems that after executed
> Clock_driver_support_initialize_hardware(void)
> Rtems has not enable the interrupt of clock
Are you running hello or ticker? The code in
c/src/lib/libcpu/arm/at91rm9200/clock has this routine
static void clock_isr_on(const rtems_irq_connect_data *unused)
/* enable timer interrupt */
which should be invoked when the interrupt is connected
via a call to BSP_install_rtems_irq_handler in the irq directory
one level up.
> 2ed.It seems that after disabled all the interrupt sources and
> install the
> default_int_handler() at all 32 interrupt source vector
> registers,rtems
> has not enabled the SYS interrupt source(number 1) of AIC
> and also has
> not installed the CLOCK interrupt handler(I guss rtems
> use interrupt
> managers to manage the interrupt of 32 lines.Because
> there are more
> than one devices use the same line,for example,system
> clock and DBGU
> use the same SYS interrupt source),but i can not find
> where is the SYS
> interrupt source manger,who can tell me?
The code for interrupt management on this CPU should be
in c/src/lib/libcpu/arm/at91m9200/irq. I don't see any
that is board specific reference in csb337/
> Since the interrupt of SYS is disable ,there is not any
> clock interupt can be
> delivered to CPU ,without the clock interrupt,the system
> is hang in idl
> task.
> So i enable the interrupt of clock and SYS interrupt
> source of AIC.Since
> default_int_handler() is still in all 32 interrupt source
> vector registers ,at
> every clock interrupt ,the system traps into
> default_int_handler();
> So,there are
> " raw_idt_notify has been called
> 1
> raw_idt_notify has been called
> 2
> ..." on my screen.
> Q1,Where is the code installs SYS interrupt handler?
> Q2,Where is the code enables the interrupt of clock device and AIC?
c/src/lib/libcpu/arm/at91rm9200/irq - look for BSP_install_rtems_irq_handler
and look what it does when the interrupt is dynamically installed:
* store the new handler
AIC_SVR_REG(irq->name * 4) = (uint32_t) irq->hdl;
* unmask interrupt
AIC_CTL_REG(AIC_IECR) = 1 << irq->name;
* Enable interrupt on device
if(irq->on) {
i think that's all the code you are looking for. irq->on() goes back to the
Clock driver "on" callback which I cut and pasted above.
> I think code of Q1 contains code of Q2,and some unkonw reasons
> result in
> system has not executed the code of Q1.
I don't know if I helped or not. Even though I maintain RTEMS, I
am not an expert on every CPU it supports. I have to struggle
through the manuals with the rest of you. :)
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