qeustion about cexp on x86 and flash file system

Till Straumann strauman at slac.stanford.edu
Tue Jun 26 19:03:03 UTC 2007

Yu Chen wrote:
> hi,
>   I have two questions:
>  1 cexp can run on rtems for pc386? 
> how?   Did there are some demos
> about cexp on pc386?
yes. On the 'rtems evaluation CD' I put together a while ago
there is a demo.


The CD contains a lot of stuff - among them a bootable image
with cexp built in. Note that all of the software is probably a
bit outdated (e.g., rtems is 4.6.2) but it should still serve the purpose...

>  2 did rtems support flash file system?  can anyone port
> jffs/jffs2/yaffs to rtems?
I can't answer question 2
-- Till

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