arm-rtems-gcc.exe missing

Julien Delange julien at
Sun Mar 11 19:53:21 UTC 2007

2007/3/8, Karevaara, Teemu <Teemu.Karevaara at>:
>   An addition:
>   When I tried to compile the RTEMS sources it gave:
> Checking for arm-rtems-gcc… no
> Configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
> Do you think this is related to my problem?

First, install the patched binutils programs. Then, build your
cross-compiler (don't forget newlib), which includes the arm-rtems-gcc
binary (set your PATH variable before, to use the new binutils
programs). Finally, compile and install gdb.

Once all these programs are installed, you can will build rtems for
your bsp (check your PATH variable before, or your cross-compiler will
not be used by the rtems build process).

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