Xilinx IP core drivers for RTEMS- Keith Robertson still around?

Keith Robertson kjrobert at alumni.uwaterloo.ca
Tue May 15 15:24:14 UTC 2007

junercb wrote:
> Can you tell me where to assign my "PLB_TEMAC_O" IP's address in the driver?
> Do you have missed some files to send to me?
> Do you use this driver for two netcard?
> I meet the problem:
> xiltemac.c : Did not specify base address for device
> //////////////////////////////
>    if( aBsdConfig->bpar == 0 )
>    {
>       printf("%s: Did not specify base address for device '%s'", 
> DRIVER_PREFIX, unitName );
>       return 0;
>    }

You need to initialise the rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig structure appropriately.

Mine looks like this:

static struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig netdriver_config = {
     "xilTemac0",            // interface name
     xilTemac_driver_attach, // attach function
     &loopback_config,       // link to next interface
     0,                      // Automatically get an IP address
     0,                      // Automatically get net mask
     0,                      // Ethernet hardware address
     0,                      // Ignore broadcast
     0,                      // mtu
     0,                      // rbuf_count
     0,                      // xbuf_count
     0,                      // port
     1,                      // irno -- isr vector
     0x50000000              // bpar -- hardware address

This is the same as all the other network drivers that I'm aware of.  In 
particular notice the last two structure members (irno -- irq number, 
and bpar -- base address of the peripheral).  In the case of xilinx and 
temac you'll need to find this out from your hardware design.  The irq 
number refers to the index in the opb interrupt controller for your design.



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