csb337 and skyeye

Jay Monkman jtm-list-rtems at smoothsmoothie.com
Thu May 31 05:37:30 UTC 2007

On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 02:19:44PM -0500, Joel Sherrill wrote:
> I have gotten to the point where it is trying to
> print:
> dbgu_write (minor=<value optimized out>, buf=0x201170ac "\r", len=1)
>    at 
> ../../../../../../../current/c/src/lib/libcpu/arm/at91rm9200/dbgu/dbgu.c:132
> 132                 if (dbgu->sr & DBGU_INT_TXRDY) {
> (gdb) p dbgu
> $1 = (at91rm9200_dbgu_regs_t *) 0xfffff200

Does it hang there, as if the status register isn't changing, or does
it crash? What happens if you do 'p *dbgu' in gdb?

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