[GSOC] Interested in write BSP for Qemu ARM target

x ray rayx.cn at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 03:07:15 UTC 2008

I heard that QEMU support s3c2410(NEO 1793, a subproject of qemu). That will
be a good star point.
I got a bsp for 2410, but I just too busy to submit it :P.  And there is
already a 2400 BSP in RTEMS cvs
If you want to try 2440, it should not be so hard.
Another issue is that ARM support in QEMU is comparatively new and there is
no one run ARM based RTEMS on qemu yet(as far as I know). There should be
some setting for rtems.

2008/4/1, F <ff.pptux+rtems at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
>     I'm interested in write BSP for Qemu ARM target. Is the
> combination still available?
>     I haven't used RTEMS before. But I've used Linux(mainly Gentoo)
> for more than 2 years, and experiment with CLFS and embedded systems
> in spare time. I've implemented an IP phone using uCLinux(on Nios II)
> on Altera Cyclone FPGA. For ARM, just read some docs before, so I
> don't know exactly how diffcult this project will be. But there's a
> s3c2440 board I can use.
>      I've just cvs-ed the code, navigated to the online doc page and
> want to have a try. But I also want to hear some advice with big
> thanks.
>     By the way, I was just busy writing my proposal, and suddenly find
> the deadline is extended. I feel so happy.
> Best wishes
> --
> F
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Thanks & Best Regards!

Ray, Xu
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