configure command line in installed directories?

Thomas Doerfler Thomas.Doerfler at
Mon Apr 14 07:40:59 UTC 2008


Ralf Corsepius schrieb:
> Recording and hard-coding configure-arguments is a silly idea, because
> configure-arguments only have a meaning to a local source tree.

I am not talking about hard-coding. But my understanding is, that 
"configure" has a set of options, and at least some of them are 
meaningful and make sense (although some of them ARE questionable). Some 
of these options _do_ modify the generated code (e.g. 
"--target=sparc-rtems4.8" or "--enable-rtemsbsp=..." or 
"--enable-multiprocessing" or .....)

And the generated code will differ depending on these options (e.g. 
depending whether multiprocessing is on or off).

This MAY be obsolete in the future, but is not yet right now.

> They are meaningless to anything outside of the particular sources,
> because a library package (such as RTEMS) has no knowledge about what
> infrastructure users might be using.

Right, but in the scenario I am looking at the term "user" is not a 
single guy who selects the options properly for his project. I am 
thinking about a team which develops a bigger project and may even be 
spread over several companies. One of the team members might configure 
and build RTEMS for the proper architecture and will select a option set 
during configuration which seems right from his point of view. He 
_should_ document, what he has done, but having an automated way to 
document, how the RTEMS tree has been configured before a particular 
build, might help.

I agree, that this will no longer be needed, when the configure options 
do NOT influence the generated libraries.
>>  If you think about a team working with 
>>   an installed version of RTEMS, for a given project, I regard it 
>> preferable that everybody can find out how RTEMS has been configured.
> No - Nobody needs this kind of information.
> What people need is information on "features a package has built-in".

Right. How do I find out currently? I can pull many things from various 
places (e.g. "bspopt.h"), but I did not yet find a documentation stating 
"this configure option can be retrieved from that file".
>> And AFAIK the build directory is a temporary one, so in general it can 
>> be removed after the built files have been installed.
> Correct, it's temporary and so are configure-arguments - They should not
> be of interest to anybody.

Not even for support on the mailing list? So, when a newbie reports some 
problems, the question "how did you configure RTEMS before build?" is a 
meaningless question?

not yet convinced,


> Ralf

embedded brains GmbH
Thomas Doerfler           Obere Lagerstr. 30
D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
Tel. : +49-89-18 90 80 79-2
Fax  : +49-89-18 90 80 79-9
email: Thomas.Doerfler at
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