FW: Google Summer Code

Helder Silva helder.silva at edisoft.pt
Mon Apr 14 11:36:51 UTC 2008

Hi Joel,

Here too, we have been busy. I am forwarding the email I have sent you
some time ago to answer your question.

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Helder Silva 
Sent: sexta-feira, 4 de Abril de 2008 14:53
To: Joel Sherrill
Subject: RE: Google Summer Code

Hi Joel,

No problem.
Yes, the source code will be available soon (today). Regarding the
licenses, we are using a license similar to RTEMS (GPL with the
exception that it is not mandatory to publish the users application
source code when it is linked with the timeline tool STUB). 

King regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Manuel Coutinho [mailto:manuel.coutinho at edisoft.pt] 
Sent: sexta-feira, 4 de Abril de 2008 11:38
To: Helder Silva
Subject: FW: Google Summer Code

Manuel Coutinho
Software Engineer - Space

 cid:image002.jpg at 01C7EEE1.32B7B120

Rua Quinta dos Medronheiros - Lazarim 
Apartado 382 Monte de Caparica 
2826-801 Caparica Portugal

-----Original Message-----
From: rtems-users-bounces at rtems.org
[mailto:rtems-users-bounces at rtems.org]
On Behalf Of Joel Sherrill
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 5:33 PM
To: Helder Silva
Cc: rtems-users
Subject: Re: Google Summer Code

Helder Silva wrote:
> Joel, Chris, Thomas and all,
> Last couple of days we have been taking some effort to try to release 
> a Beta version of the tools we have been developing in the RTEMS 
> CENTRE. Somehow the tools are quite near to some of the projects you 
> have been proposing in the Google Summer Code (Application 
> Configuration GUI and Run-Time Tracing) and could be used by the 
> students on their development in the Summer Code camp. You can find 
> the development we have done so far in the 
> ftp://rtemscentre.edisoft.pt/pub/rtemscentre/betareleases. Not being 
> yet fully tested and validated, they are somehow operational. Sorry 
> for not having yet the user manual ready but we hope to have it ready 
> within less one month. Feel free to use the tools in the way it 
> pleases you most. If you have any question regarding the tools, feel 
> free to address them, myself or one of the persons in the team will 
> answer it (if we are capable J).
Sorry for the delay in replying .. things have been busy.

All I see are .jar's for the Eclipse plugins.  Do you all plan to make
source for those available?

The wrapper stubs include a URL of the license but nothing is at that
URL.  What is the license?

> Hope it will help and kind regards,

I think it has the possibility of helping. :)


> *Helder Silva
> *Embedded Systems Projects Manager - Space
> cid:image002.jpg at 01C7EEE1.32B7B120
> Rua Quinta dos Medronheiros - Lazarim
> Apartado 382 Monte de Caparica
> 2826-801 Caparica Portugal
> Tel:        (+351) 212 945 900
> Fax:        (+351) 212 945 999
> Mobile:    (+351) 93 215 2540
> Skype:    heldersilva15

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel.sherrill at OARcorp.com        On-Line Applications Research
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