workspace structure

Catalin Morosan catalin.morosan at
Fri Apr 18 12:23:04 UTC 2008


I've been trying to understand what exactly is the structure of the 
workspace in memory, especially where are the information for the 
threads and where are the stacks kept. I understand that the workspace 
is allocated at the end of the memory and is like a separate heap.

After doing some debugging of an application with 4 tasks I deduced this:

---beginning of workspace
Task 4 stack
Task 3 stack
Task 2 stack
Task 1 stack
Task idle stack
Task 1 control block
Task 2 control block
Task 3 control block
Task 4 control block
Task idle control block
--- end of workspace

Is this accurate?

Also, I don't understand why it has this structure because 
_Workspace_Allocate() takes only the size of memory to be allocated and 
in turn, it calls _Heap_Allocate() with the size and the information for 
the workspace. Doesn't allocation start from the beginning of the 
workspace and continues to the end? Why is the task idle control block 
after the control blocks of the other tasks although the idle task is 
created first? etc. There is something I am missing but I can't see it 
right now.

Thanks for any input.

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