Thomas Doerfler Thomas.Doerfler at
Fri Apr 11 06:42:12 UTC 2008


unfortunately you provide only very limited info. I understand that you 
use RTEMS-4.6.6 (which is very outdated) and you use some supported 
architecture with interrupts.

Some questions:
- which architecture/BSP do you use?
- what do you do to get printf to fail?

In many RTEMS systems it is normal, that the processor reaches the Idle 
task while output is pending, because the serial interface will provide 
an interrupt whenever a new character can be written to the serial device.

Thomas Doerfler.

fall4ufeng schrieb:
> hi all:
>         The printf function outside the interrupt service function can't 
> work normally( the routine run into __CPU_Thread_Idle_body function 
> ) after the interrupte was enabled.
>    My rtems's version is 4.6.6.
>    Can someone tell me how to fix this ?
>    Thanks a lot .
> 2008-04-11
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> fall4ufeng
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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embedded brains GmbH
Thomas Doerfler           Obere Lagerstr. 30
D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
Tel. : +49-89-18 90 80 79-2
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