RTEMS on Nintendo DS port

Matthieu Bucchianeri mbucchia at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 15:53:29 UTC 2008

Hi every one,

We recently had a project in the french school EPITA
(http://www.epita.fr) consisting in porting RTEMS onto the Nintendo

In group of 4 students, we made a BSP for the NDS. As the port is
currently running (but still under test), we were wondering if such
port could be integrated to the RTEMS repository.

Our BSP supports:

- console
- clock
- framebuffer (we can run MicroWindows/Nano-X)
- touch screen (as the mouse)
- character recognition (using the touch screen to write characters)
- sound

The wifi driver is finished and under debug, it may work soon.

We based our BSP on the libnds and dsWifi (http://www.devkitpro.org).
Our code is only 2 000 lines long (sloccount) as we heavily use these

We can run applications in emulator and on a real DS. We do not pass
the entire testsuite, but it is a matter of time.

Are RTEMS developers & maintainers interested in this BSP? We would be
very happy to integrate our project to the official branch!

Do not hesitate to contact me on this mailing list or by mail at
mbucchia at gmail.com for more information.

Have a good day.

Matthieu ``buckman'' Bucchianeri

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