socket io problem

CWolfe at CWolfe at
Tue Jan 29 20:48:59 UTC 2008

Hi all,
I'm having a problem using sockets, and I hope someone might know what i'm doing wrong.
In a previous email, I mentioned i'm trying to create a telnet server which directly manipulates 
the rs-232 buffers (as opposed to using ptys which wouldn't be compatible with our 
application.) I can read and write to and from the socket, but only in a blocking way, which 
doesn't fit our needs. I've tried to register handlers for the sopcket, but they never get called. I 
have modeled my socket initialization on the telnetd.c and also GoAhead's initialization code.
Could someone possibly explain how i can set up a telnet socket which is non-blocking at 
minimum, but even better, one that actually calls the handlers on reception/transmission?
I assume it's something small that I'm missing, but nothing i've tried has worked in triggering 
execution of the  socketHandler function. Thank you for your time.
Christopher Wolfe
Motion Control Systems, Inc.

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