rtems_semaphore_obtain error

Jerry Needell jerry.needell at unh.edu
Fri Jan 25 21:32:59 UTC 2008

    Thank you for the reply. I think you have hit the problem, but I'm 
still a ways from finding it. Since my application is not using the 
semaphore I am trying to figure out how my application can be causing 
the problem. The task I am suspicious of is run with RTEMS_PREEMT and 
RTEMS_INTERRUPT_LEVEL(0) set.  Would you expect any from either of these 
settings? It is also the highest priority task. There application runs 
well until this task is required to execute a slightly longer step than 
usual. Agin, any suggestions would be welcome.
- Jerry
Till Straumann wrote:
> Jerry Needell wrote:
>> My application is entering Internal_error_Occurred  from 
>> rtems_semaphore_obtain. The call to rtems_semaphore obtain is coming 
>> from  internally from rtems as I am not using semaphore in my 
>> application. I have not tracked it down yet. thin interesting point 
>> is that in the source for rtems_semaphore_obtain, the las line is:
>>  return RTEMS_INTERNAL_ERROR;   /* unreached - only to remove 
>> warnings */
> This is not the only case where RTEMS_INTERNAL_ERROR
> is returned. The most likely cause of this type of error
> is a semaphore being taken from a section of code
> that is protected from preemption or interrupts.
> -- Till
>> but it is being reached!!
>> Does anyone have any suggestions for potential culprits.
>> BTW: I am using the sparc leon3 bsp in rtems 4.8
>> - Jerry
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