Another Ethernet problem for Thomas :) Cont.

Thomas Doerfler Thomas.Doerfler at
Wed Jan 30 13:57:08 UTC 2008

Leon Pollak schrieb:
> One more detail discovered only now:
> If I put the delay of 7s (!!) before I start to open the UDP socket, the first 
> packet always arrives!

> The less time delay is insufficient.
> What's this, gurus!


How do you configure the IP address (and/or MAC address?) of your 
system? If it is configured by BOOTP/DHCP, it may take so long until 
your interface gets a reply and can configure itself (and the routing 
table) properly.

What do you get, when your print the interface statistics directly after 
network startup?

And try to monitor which broadcasts are transmitted in the 7 seconds!


embedded brains GmbH
Thomas Doerfler           Obere Lagerstr. 30
D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
Tel. : +49-89-18 90 80 79-2
Fax  : +49-89-18 90 80 79-9
email: Thomas.Doerfler at
PGP public key available on request

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