RFC : Heap management using TLSF

Tim timcussins at eml.cc
Fri Jul 25 13:17:15 UTC 2008

Hi Keith

On Wed, 2008-07-23 at 18:43 +0100, Keith Robertson wrote:
> Chris Caudle wrote:
> > Is LGPL compatible to ship with the GPL-plus-exceptions license of RTEMS?
> > I have to admit, I'm not quite clear on what the difference is between
> > RTEMS variant of GPL and LGPL, or why RTEMS did not use LGPL.  Is it
> > historical, e.g. LGPL did not exist at the time the decision was made?
> I seem to recall that a member of the list (possibly Pavel?) knew the 
> author of TLSF and thought that if there was a licensing problem, the 
> author may be willing to relicense it under an rtems compatible license.
> As an aside, I too would be interested to understand the difference 
> between LGPL and GPL + rtems exception.
> Keith

That seems to be the case:

"If these licenses do not fit your needs, or you have any technical
issues (add custom features or port to other architectures), please get
in contact with us: acrespo at ai2.upv.es" - 

see "Support" http://rtportal.upv.es/rtmalloc/node/10

Before I approach the TLSF author about releasing under a compatible
license (eg the RTEMS GPL + exception), I'd be interested in any
technical objections/comments regarding the inclusion of TLSF...


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