Multiprocessing for SPARC/ERC32

Sylvain Jouanneau sylvain.jouanneau at
Thu Mar 20 14:03:47 UTC 2008


I'm developing an application to test multiprocessing purpose of RTEMS for
I'm using RTEMS 4.0.0 with compiler ERC32CCS 2.0.6 on Solaris. 
I developed an MPCI layer to allow communication via Ethernet between 2
My problem is that when I configure RTEMS for multiprocessing, at the end of
function rtems_initialize_executive_early my Init task is launched
immediately after call of rtems_task_start in
At this moment, multitasking mode is not allowed : we didn't passed into
rtems_initialize_executive_late function. And when we pass into it,
segmentation fault arrives because my Init task is already launched.

When I don't configure RTEMS for multiprocessing, I see that Init task is
launched only when multitasking is allowed after call of
_Thread_Start_multitasking in rtems_initialize_executive_late.

Can anyone help me?


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