ARM946E-S attempt (gdb patches / insight)

gds gds at
Mon Mar 24 14:44:29 UTC 2008

In my attempt to build an ARM946E-S bsp I hijacked the existing csb337 
bsp as a starting point. I have built an arm-rtems4.8-insight debugger 
in addition to the standard gdb. However, I never applied the rtems 
gdb6.6 patches to the insight 6.6 tree. Are they needed with insight?

Anyhow, when running insight debugger I seems that, in "mixed mode", I 
don't always see the assembly instructions associated with the correct 
source line. The order seems somewhat random and jumps around when I 
step. In the attached example you can see that the instructions 
associated with a c source line are not always sequentially increasing. 
Would that be expected with arm architecture, which I have not worked 
with before? Would lack of rtems patches affect this?

The code shown in ex.txt is from bspstart.c.


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