Google SOC project POSIXFIFOs

Wei Shen cquark at
Fri Mar 21 19:09:15 UTC 2008


On 3/21/08, Joel Sherrill <joel.sherrill at> wrote:

> Sounds like you have to:
> + write a ring buffer object

I make out some draft pseudo-code of fifo bufferring (see attachment if you
like. I do not expect to bother mentors to read it since it is just rough
scratch). It is not completed and has not been inspected, so may have
defects, and I still need time to learn the code style of RTEMS.

> + write FIFO system calls.
> +hopefully FIFO filesystem.

I am considering to add dup and dup2 to my proposal.

> I am torn between a dedicated filesystem and adding a filesystem to the
> IMFS.  The dedicated filesystem makes sense and is cleaner. If you
> don't want this capability, don't mount it.

And, we still need to hook some of IMFS handlers to transit to FIFO routines
for FIFO nodes.

Wei Shen
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