What is "no" application? nm?

Leon Pollak leonp at plris.com
Mon Mar 31 17:06:35 UTC 2008

On Monday, 31 בMarch 2008, Ralf Corsepius wrote:
> > Actually, I do use standard tools, just make links to them with the names
> > without "4.8" in the same directory. This way I can use my projects
> > without changing them with different versions.
> Hmm? I don't understand this step.
> You can install the standard toolchains in parallel, and switch between
> version by using separate VPATH builds.
> e.g. I have
> PATH=/opt/rtems-4.9/bin:/opt/rtems-4.8/bin:/opt/rtems-4.7/bin:$PATH
> and am building in a way similar to this:
> when wanting to test for "rtems-version compatibility"
> mkdir build4.8
> cd build4.8
> /<sourcedir>/configure --target=powerpc-rtems4.8
> make
> ...
> mkdir build4.9
> cd build4.9
> /<sourcedir>/configure --target=powerpc-rtems4.9
> make
> ...
> when wanting to test for "rtems-version compatibility"
Here I do not understand....
May be we are speaking about different things?

My case is that I need to compile the same application with different tools 
versions. Therefore, my KDevelop keeps project tools as powerpc-rtems-g++ and 
so on. And the necessary correspondence to rtems version I do by correcting 
the /opt/rtems/ link to /opt/rtems-4.8.0/ or, for example, /opt/rtems-4.7/.

Is this way acceptable?

> > Thanks again. Just, please, where to read about the differences to 4.8?
> Hmm, I am not aware about any such document.
> 4.8 is incompatible to 4.7 at so many places, I even can't remember what
> all has changed.
> I one thing I recall, is the *.cfgs having undergone a major slimfest
> (which is not unlikely to be the cause of your issue) and Joel's <rant>
> Makefile freakments having further rotten, instead of finally having
> been removed and abandoned</rant>
I do not know, but except this nm-no issue everything seems to compile and 
link fine with my BSP, which I remake against the included into 4.8 version 
of mpc8260ads.

> > I already see several while debugging (crashes on exception initializing,
> > etc...)
> That's likely something completely different.
Still, I see rather many changes in the basic libcpu code, BSP and some things 
do not work, although worked in 4.7.

Still struggling with them, and if somebody needs my experience...

> Ralf

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