how do I use shell.c?

Chris Johns chrisj at
Thu May 1 02:29:20 UTC 2008

mike wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, Ian,
> - We have an Sparc eval board that has 2 ports: 1 is debug port, 1 is 
> application port.
>  From debug port, I load/run application. The output goes out to the 
> rs-232 application port.
> So, am I supposed to specify this app port (/dev/console) as 'device' to 
> shell_init(...)?
> When I tried that, I got the message: 
> "shell: unalbel to open stdin./dev/console:Too many open files in system"?
>  -mike-

You need to increase the number of file ops in confdefs.h.

The shell is documented in the CVS RTEMS. Take a look here:

This relates to the code in CVS. Joel and I have been hacking on the shell lately.


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