DHCP server

Ed Sutter esutter at alcatel-lucent.com
Wed May 7 21:24:10 UTC 2008

Depending on what you need, I have a basic DHCP server that builds
with VCC and/or Cygwin GCC on the PC and should be fairly easy to reuse
in RTEMS.  Its by no means a full-blown DHCP server, but does provide
simple dhcp/bootp server capabilities.  The source is part of the host
tools that come with the micromonitor package, so you can essentially
do what you want with it.
Lemme know if you're interested, I can point you to it.

Joel Sherrill wrote:
> Maurizio Scavazzon wrote:
>>     Dear all,
>>       does anybody know if a DHCP server can be implemented in a
>>     device running with rtems ?
>>     In most cases I've read news about dhcp client, but in my case,
>>     what I need is my device acts as a dhcp server over the lan.
> I haven't seen an answer so decided to post.  The general answer
> is that there is not one included in the standard distribution
> and I do not know of a port of an existing one to RTEMS.
> So that leaves you identifying a suitable DHCP server
> implementation for RTEMS both from a technical
> and licensing view.  In general, I would expect one to
> be fairly straightforward to port.  main() will have to
> change names, you will have to provide a method
> to start the server and run it in a dedicated task,
> etc.
> With a quick search I turned up this one:
> http://www.isc.org/index.pl?/sw/dhcp/
> which looks to meet the licensing requirement
> and claims to be highly portable. 
> If you do end up porting it to RTEMS, feel free to
> ask questions on the list.  Paid help is available
> from multiple people on the list if you need it.
> At the end, update the RTEMS Wiki with info
> about your successful port and submit all
> patches to the originating project.  We can host
> diffs as well.
>>     Any suggest and help is appreciated.
>>     thanks
>>     Murray
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