Trivial bug in(?) and proposed change to libi2c.h

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Tue May 13 20:38:40 UTC 2008

Robert S. Grimes wrote:
> Hi,
> Two small issues in cpukit/libi2clib/libi2c.h:
> 1. On or about line 178, there is a small bug that causes my compiles to
> fail.  The relevant code is this:
>     typedef struct rtems_libi2c_bus_ops_
>     {
>       /* Initialize the bus; might be called again to reset the bus
>     driver */
>       rtems_status_code (*init) (rtems_libi2c_bus_t * bushdl);
>       /* Send start condition */
>       rtems_status_code (*send_start) (rtems_libi2c_bus_t * bushdl);
>       /* Send stop  condition */
>       rtems_status_code (*send_stop) (rtems_libi2c_bus_t * bushdl);
>       /* initiate transfer from (rw!=0) or to a device */
>       rtems_status_code (*send_addr) (rtems_libi2c_bus_t * bushdl,
>                                       uint32_t addr, int rw);
>       /* read a number of bytes */
>       int (*read_bytes) (rtems_libi2c_bus_t * bushdl, unsigned char *bytes,
>                          int nbytes);
>       /* write a number of bytes */
>       int (*write_bytes) (rtems_libi2c_bus_t * bushdl, unsigned char *bytes,
>                           int nbytes);
>       /* ioctl misc functions */
>       int (*ioctl) (rtems_libi2c_bus_t * bushdl,
>             int   cmd,
>     bug?==> void *buffer;
>             );
>     } rtems_libi2c_bus_ops_t;
> Removing the ; at the end of "void *buffer;" makes my compiler happy.
> Is there any reason someone shouldn't make this change?
No.  It only impacts the CVS head and is obviously a typo which should
have failed compiling before now.  Committed on CVS head with your
name on it. :-D
> 2.  Near the bottom of the same file, there is the typedef for
> rtems_libi2c_tfr_mode_t.  I'd like to add a new field to this structure
> as illustrated below (the new field is spi_sel_mode):
>     typedef struct {
>       uint32_t baudrate;       /* maximum bits per second               */
>                                /* only valid for SPI drivers:           */
>       uint8_t  bits_per_char;  /* how many bits per byte/word/longword? */
>       boolean  lsb_first;      /* TRUE: send LSB first                  */
>       boolean  clock_inv;      /* TRUE: inverted clock (high active)    */
>       boolean  clock_phs;      /* TRUE: clock starts toggling at start
>     of data tfr */
>       boolean  spi_sel_mode;   /* SPI only - TRUE: SS set per
>     transaction; */
>                                /* FALSE: SS set per word */
>     } rtems_libi2c_tfr_mode_t;
> Justification: Some SPI devices want their chip select control signal to
> be "frame" each word (device-specific width), while others (such as some
> serial EEPROM and Ramtron FRAM devices) use the chip select as a
> "transaction" signal; in these devices, the chip select is made active,
> a command byte is sent, followed generally by a byte or two of address
> info, and finally one or more bytes of data to either write or (dummy)
> data to stimulate read data - the end of such a transaction is signaled
> by the CS going inactive.
> Additionally, some SPI controllers, such as the Virtex SPI peripheral,
> can optionally generate automatic, per-word chip selects, or manual -
> thus supporting the per-word and per-transaction modes, respectively,
> mentioned above.
> However, there is currently no mechanism for specifying to the SPI
> driver which strategy to use.  It is specific to the actual device on
> the SPI bus, so devices on one bus might well use different strategies.
> It seems the current SPI driver calls the ioctl function
> RTEMS_LIBI2C_IOCTL_SET_TFRMODE, which passes a pointer to a
> rtems_libi2c_tfr_mode_t structure; furthermore, initialization of SPI
> device-specific drivers (such as c/src/libchip/i2c/spi-flash-m25p40.c)
> provide the definition of said structure.  So this seems the right place
> to put it.
> Does this sound like a good idea?  Can one of the gurus sponsor (or
> reject) this proposal?  FWIW - this is the approach I've adopted, and it
> seems to work just fine...
This one is in Thomas' or someone else's approval bucket.
> Thanks,
> -Bob
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Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
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