A couple of BSP questions

Michael Hamel mhamel at adi.co.nz
Thu May 15 00:50:00 UTC 2008

On 15/05/2008, at 11:35 AM, Till Straumann wrote:

> It is also easier to maintain -- you don't have to always build all  
> variants
> to make sure the BSP at least compiles OK.
> Plus, you can use the same binaries on different boards...

Yes.. as I work on it its becoming clear that there are disadvantages  
as well. The include files have to cover all the CPU variants, and all  
those definitions have to be available simultaneously. This is leading  
to some strange circumlocutions where there are register sets that are  
nearly but not quite strict supersets of one another. The network  
driver is going to suffer from this a bit.

It also means that if a BSP inadvertently uses a facility that the  
particular CPU doesn't support, the result can be a rather nasty  
runtime error rather than a compile-time error. Thats a bit worrying.

I'll bat on and see where I get to.

“Now, the objective of this expedition is to attempt to find some  
trace of last years expedition.”

Michael Hamel
ADInstruments Ltd, Dunedin, NZ

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