Microseconds sleep with Leon2

Arquer Stephane stephane.arquer at c-s.cnes.fr
Thu Nov 20 09:02:49 UTC 2008


I try to make a specific function to wake up tasks after some hundreds of µ seconds.
I use the timer 2 of a Leon2 with a resolution set to 50µs , but I obtain a rough result with 200µs more than the request time.
Does anybody have an idea ?

I can't load the timer with a value less than 50, a lower value block the execution.
Is it possible to manage an ISR every 10µs ?

I work with rtems 4.8.0 with the patch 4.8.1diff, and a Leon2.

Thanks for help.


rtems_isr handleTimer2(rtems_vector_number vector)
	int i;
	if (Nbre_Timer_Actifs > 0){
		for (i=0; i < MAX_TIMER; i++)
			if (TAB_Timer[i].actif) {			
				if (TAB_Timer[i].decompte > 0) {
				} else {
					TAB_Timer[i].actif = FALSE;
			} /*if*/		
		} /*for*/
} /*handleTimer2*/

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