RTEMS for bare-bones ARM

Web.POP Marc.Enzmann at web.de
Thu Nov 27 18:35:50 UTC 2008

>> .../newlib/libc/include/sys/dirent.h:10:2: error: #error  
>> "<dirent.h>  not supported"
> That looks like you are getting the generic dirent.h
> in newlib, not the RTEMS specific one from another
> subdirectory.
> It would help to know versions, patches and how far you got.
> I build Ada for GCC 4.3.x and SVN trunk regularly so something
> is just slightly out of whack.

Right, of course.

I am using the following
- autoconf-2.62  (no patches)
-automake-1.10.1 (no patches)
-binutils2.18 (patch binutils-2.18-rtems4.9-20080211.diff)
-gcc-4.3.2 (patches gcc-core-4.3.2-rtems-4.9-20080828 and  
gcc-4.3.2-20080910.diff )
-newlib-1.16.0 (patches newlib-1.16.0-rtems4.9-20080827.diff)

now, the host.compiler is gcc-4.3.1 (20080507)

I compiled and installed autoconf, automake and binutils.
Then I compiled the C Cross-Compiler and Newlib.

The process stops, when I try to build the non-multilib C and Ada  
Cross Compiler.

I had to add --disable-libsp to the configure commmand for the C  
Cross-Compiler and
the C / Ada Cross-Compiler, so that the build of the first one  
proceeded well.

Thanks for your support!



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