cpuuse or ctload ?
ARQUER Stephane
stephane.arquer at c-s.fr
Thu Apr 16 07:07:02 UTC 2009
I'm using the Rtems Monitor with cpuuse and the capture engine to
evaluate the cpu load of an application and the results given by
cpuuse and ctload are differents even I take into account the task
created by the capture engine.
Which tool give the most precise numbers ?
For exemple:
rtems $ cpuuse
CPU Usage by thread
0x09010001 IDLE 47.718000 88.593
0x0A010001 UI1 0.468000 0.868
0x0A010002 ntwk 0.045000 0.083
0x0A010003 CSr0 0.020000 0.037
0x0A010004 CSt0 0.004000 0.007
0x0A010005 PMAP 0.006000 0.011
0x0A010006 RMON 0.019000 0.035
0x0A010007 TCLG 0.001000 0.001
0x0A010008 TSTM 0.000000 0.000
0x0A010009 TSPF 0.000000 0.000
0x0A01000A TDCU 0.003000 0.005
0x0A01000B TTCO 0.000000 0.000
0x0A01000C CALH 0.084000 0.155
0x0A01000D TTNO 0.000000 0.000
0x0A01000E TTPX 0.000000 0.000
0x0A01000F TTY1 0.000000 0.000
0x0A010010 TTY2 0.000000 0.000
0x0A010011 TTPZ 0.001000 0.001
0x0A010012 TTPM 0.000000 0.000
0x0A010013 CHMO 0.002000 0.003
0x0A010014 CHMU 0.006000 0.011
0x0A010015 SCTC 0.455000 0.844
0x0A010016 CLPF 0.005000 0.009
0x0A010017 GETM 0.236000 0.438
0x0A010018 PSCA 0.885000 1.643
0x0A010019 EDCU 0.002000 0.003
0x0A01001A EDCU 0.000000 0.000
0x0A01001B TSLV 0.723000 1.342
0x0A01001C TRSQ 1.470000 2.729
0x0A01001D TECU 0.047000 0.087
0x0A01001E TEIO 0.081000 0.150
0x0A01001F SQCU 0.017000 0.031
0x0A010020 SQTC 0.087000 0.161
0x0A010021 SQIO 0.972000 1.804
0x0A010022 SC64 0.048000 0.089
0x0A010023 ITTC 0.000000 0.000
0x0A010024 ITTM 0.000000 0.000
0x0A010025 ITT8 0.024000 0.044
0x0B010001 0.000000 0.000
0x0B010002 0.002000 0.003
0x0B010003 0.431000 0.800
Time since last CPU Usage reset 53.862000 seconds
rtems $
rtems $ copen 5000
capture engine opened.
rtems $ cenable
capture engine enabled.
rtems $
rtems $ ctload
Press ENTER to exit.
sans TSP
09010001 IDLE 255 255 READY 69.977% 0% a--- 32840600
0a010006 RMON 1 1 READY 7.449% 0% a--- 101622300
0a010026 CPlt 1 1 READY 6.065% 100% a--- 407100
0a010021 SQIO 30 30 READY 4.369% 0% a--- 2191700
0a01001c TRSQ 31 31 READY 3.006% 0% a--- 1246200
0a010018 PSCA 37 37 DELAY 2.856% 0% a--- 1310400
0b010003 ff8004? 254 254 READY 1.394% 0% a--- 703400
0a01001b TSLV 34 34 READY 1.127% 0% a--- 488900
0a01001d TECU 30 30 READY 0.770% 0% a--- 330200
0a010022 SC64 30 30 READY 0.703% 0% a--- 317500
0a010020 SQTC 30 30 READY 0.688% 0% a--- 310500
0a01001e TEIO 30 30 READY 0.621% 0% a--- 345400
0a01001f SQCU 30 30 READY 0.557% 0% a--- 257300
0a010002 ntwk 100 100 READY 0.241% 0% a--- 83200
0a010003 CSr0 100 100 READY 0.111% 0% a--- 48300
0a010025 ITT8 30 30 Wmsg 0.041% 0% a--- 21100
0b010001 ff8004? 254 254 DELAY:Wisig 0.017% 0% a--- 2800
0a010017 GETM 44 44 DELAY 0.000% 0% a--- 95700
0a010015 SCTC 46 46 DELAY 0.000% 0% a--- 75900
0a01000c CALH 32 32 DELAY 0.000% 0% a--- 62900
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