lm32 remote debugger issues

Michael Walle michael at walle.cc
Tue Apr 7 08:40:47 UTC 2009

Am Di, 7.04.2009, 10:22, schrieb Jukka Pietarinen:
> Michael Walle wrote:
>> @Jukka:
>> im just curious, as i dont own original lattice hardware. Can you use
>> the
>> debug monitor together with the jtag uart? (The debug monitor uses the
>> jtag uart for communication, so there must be something like a
>> multiplexer
>> and an own send function for the juart)
> Yes, you can. But using the JTAG cable/uart is very slow, I get download
> transfer rates of 1 KB/sec only and I have to run the USB/JTAG cable
> software in a virtual machine :( that is why I'm looking into using a
> serial interface (up to 115 kbaud) instead.
and how do you send a character through juart?
  wcsr JTX, rX
Doing so, sending two 'T's in a row, would trigger the jtag-server, i think.
(@Jon: can you say something about it, or is it covered by NDA?)

With my own monitor and openocd i get about 300byte/s ;) Mainly because i
use the Xilinx JTAG Cable with my own driver in a not so fast mode
(everything is proprietary..)

> I think the sources for the gdb stub are in newlib/libgloss/lm32 but I
> don't know how to build the stub and include in the FPGA bit stream
> instead of the Lattice default stub, yet.
ATM i'm modifying that code to work with rtems. But i'm building it into a
rtems binary, not into a special monitor ram. Because without a JTAG
interface, there is no possibility to run the debug handler without
modifying the program under test (eg with jtag you can send a special
break instruction). If you have to modify the executable you can also
embed the gdb stub.


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