rtems_iterate_over_all_threads hangs the application

Leon Pollak leonp at plris.com
Mon Apr 27 06:36:22 UTC 2009

Sorry for the pause - was out of the office
Continuing the theme:

Manuel Coutinho wrote:
>Not meaning to be a pain but, you could
>solve this by making the urgent task non-preemptive or making it the highest
>priority thread. In either of these ways, no other threads will be able to 
>run unless the urgent task relinquishes the CPU.
Well, i would like to repeat the goal:
When some event occurs, I need to freeze the processing regardless what is 
happening in all I/O processes, collect the snapshot" of the situation, store 
it on flash cassette. To tell the truth, now(!) I am not required to continue 
normal processing, but I know my customer - tomorrow I will be...:-)

The problem is, that writing on the flash cassette routines use interrupts and 
events, therefore simple priority + non-preemption does not solve the problem.

            Dr.Leon M.Pollak
       PLR Information Systems Ltd.
Tel.:+972-98657670  |  POB 8130, H'Aomanut 9,
Fax.:+972-98657621  |  Poleg Industrial Zone,
Mob.:+972-544739246 |  Netanya, 42160, Israel.

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