help: failed to use qemu

Daron Chabot daronchabot at
Tue Feb 10 18:07:24 UTC 2009

Joel Sherrill wrote:
> Daron Chabot wrote:
>> On 10-Feb-09, at 7:02 AM, PowerMan wrote:
>>> I do it as the follow steps:
>>> 1. download QEMU from
>>> 2. install it
>>>     tar xfz qemu-0.9.1-i386.tar.gz -C /
>>> 3. download rtems floppy image from ftp server :
>>> 4. download
>>>     and copy it to my root directory /
>>> 5. mkdir /capture
>>>    cp hello.exe /capture/capture.exe
>>> 6. run qemu
>>>     qemu -fda rtems-boot.img -boot a -hda /dev/sda
>>> but the capture.exe (which is actually helloworld I build with  
>>> rtems-4.7.3) does not run as I excepted.
>>> This capture.exe could run on my host by modifying /boot/grub/menu.lst
>>> I type the following commands in grub:
>>> grub> set root=(hd0,0)
>>> grub> set kernel=/capture/capture.exe
>>> grub> boot
>>> then grub told me:
>>> error: no loaded kernel
>>> I type the following commands in grub:
>>> grub> set root=(hd0,0)
>>> grub> multiboot /capture/capture.exe
>>> then grub told me:
>>> error: Couldn't open file
>>> Could somebody help me?
>>> My host is openSUSE 11.1, my disk information is:
>>> /dev/sda1              3091312    516528   2417752  18% /
>>> udev                    252876      5428    247448   3% /dev
>>> /dev/sda8              3605268    153972   3268160   5% /home
>>> /dev/sda7              1130540    221192    851920  21% /tmp
>>> /dev/sda9              6412052   3541120   2545216  59% /usr
>>> /dev/sda6              1130540    193556    879556  19% /var
>>> I type the following commands in grub:
>>> grub> ls
>>> then grub told me:
>>> (fd0) (hd0) (hd0,0) (hd0,4) (hd0,5) (hd0,6) (hd0,7) (hd0,8)
>>> they didn't match my host disk partition number
>> Grub is not a requirement for using Qemu, and may actually 
>> complicate  the matter.
>> I've had success with variations on the following command:
>>     qemu -no-reboot -m 128 -boot n -tftp 
>> /path/to/exe/parent/directory - bootp /yourRtemsApp.exe -serial stdio
> I can make this work for hello and ticker but not for networked
> applications.  Do you have a way to run networked applications
> this way?

Nope. Sorry. I haven't found the magic qemu-cmdline/network-config combo 
yet. It has been awhile since I was playing around with Qemu and 
networked RTEMS apps, but I recall that one of the problems for me was 
that mac os x has no concept of tun/tap interfaces (at least not 
natively; there is a third-party driver, but I had no luck with it).

I'll revisit things tonight and see if I figure anything out.

> I am trying to have some demos for a GSoC/RTEMS presentation
> on Monday at University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and was
> actually trying this out today. :)
> --joel

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