OSAL Layer for RTEMS

Aitor.Viana.Sanchez at esa.int Aitor.Viana.Sanchez at esa.int
Thu Jan 29 08:31:23 UTC 2009

Hi all,

As you may know from another post. OSAL (Operating System Abstraction 
Layer) is an open source project from NASA (
http://opensource.gsfc.nasa.gov/projects/osal/osal.php ) (quoting) "aiming 
to isolate embedded SW from the real-time operating system". I had a look 
already time ago to the project and I thought it was absolutely nice, so I 
am also maintaining, based on the NASA work, my own flavour of OSAL adding 
and removing things. Of course is open source as well, but I still don't 
know where to make it available for download (am working on it. Anyway, 
anyone interested in get it or if you Alan want to feedback yours please 
do not hesitate to drop me a line and I'll send you the full source code 
of the current version.

Best regards,

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