OSAL Layer for RTEMS

Alan Cudmore Alan.P.Cudmore at nasa.gov
Fri Jan 30 17:46:38 UTC 2009

Hi Aitor,
It seems like we both have similar APIs that we are adding to the OSAL.
I would like to try to get the OSAL project hosted on sourceforge.net,  
so we can collaborate on a single release.

What do you think?


On Jan 29, 2009, at 3:31 AM, Aitor.Viana.Sanchez at esa.int wrote:

> Hi all,
> As you may know from another post. OSAL (Operating System  
> Abstraction Layer) is an open source project from NASA (http://opensource.gsfc.nasa.gov/projects/osal/osal.php 
>  ) (quoting) "aiming to isolate embedded SW from the real-time  
> operating system". I had a look already time ago to the project and  
> I thought it was absolutely nice, so I am also maintaining, based on  
> the NASA work, my own flavour of OSAL adding and removing things. Of  
> course is open source as well, but I still don't know where to make  
> it available for download (am working on it. Anyway, anyone  
> interested in get it or if you Alan want to feedback yours please do  
> not hesitate to drop me a line and I'll send you the full source  
> code of the current version.
> Best regards,
> Aitor

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