Nasim Zehra nasimz at lums.edu.pk
Fri Jul 17 09:07:33 UTC 2009

  if this is init function ,should it not have maximum execution seconds than any other of the tasks?becuase it is suspended and then is resumed after completion of all the tasks.Answers for other problems still are required.

From: Manuel Coutinho [manuel.coutinho at edisoft.pt]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 2:15 PM
To: Nasim Zehra
Cc: rtems-users at rtems.org
Subject: RE: CPU_USAGE_REPORT() Problem


The UI1 is your "Init" task.
You can change the name (and entry point and other parameters) using the
confdefs.h options.

RTEMS counts the percentage through the number of clock ticks that occur
during the execution of each task.

As to the other problems, have no response to them (don't know your system
that well).

Manuel Coutinho

> -----Original Message-----
> From: rtems-users-bounces at rtems.org [mailto:rtems-users-bounces at rtems.org]
> On Behalf Of Nasim Zehra
> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 8:09 AM
> To: Nasim Zehra
> Cc: rtems-users at rtems.org
> Subject: RE: CPU_USAGE_REPORT() Problem
>  moreover it does not give info. like
> Ticks since last reset = 1600
> Total Units = 1608
>  mentioned  in c user guide of rtem.
> I am using rtems 4.8. rtems newer than 4.7 use seconds approach instead of
> ticks ?in rtems 4.8 ,using cpu_usage_report(),can i get ticks info instead
> of seconds?
> nasim
> ________________________________________
> From: rtems-users-bounces at rtems.org [rtems-users-bounces at rtems.org] On
> Behalf Of Nasim Zehra [nasimz at lums.edu.pk]
> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 1:03 PM
> To: rtems-users at rtems.org
> Subject: CPU_USAGE_REPORT() Problem
> Hi,
>   i am having five tasks and i want cpu usage report table.
> just after five tasks creation ,i am having table like that
> 0x09010001   IDLE     0.000000    0.000
> 0x0A010001   UI1      0.001260  100.000
> 0x0A010002   TA1      0.000000    0.000
> 0x0A010003   TA2      0.000000    0.000
> 0x0A010004   TA3      0.000000    0.000
> 0x0A010005   TA4      0.000000    0.000
> 0x0A010006   TA5      0.000000    0.000
> ----OK bcz idle is by defaul..rest of having 0 exec time..good......But
> don't know what UI1 is ??????
> ok then after execution of all the tasks i am having table like that
> 0x09010001   IDLE     0.000000    0.000
> 0x0A010001   UI1      0.000787    0.024
> 0x0A010002   TA1      2.216917   70.157
> 0x0A010004   TA3      0.001027    0.032
> 0x0A010006   TA5      0.000000    0.000
> --still made at UI1..what is it? and where TA2 AND TA4 have gone?????
> although i  tried to solve this problem by defining array of task name and
> id of size 7 instead of five.I know it is ridiculus to do this...it should
> have no effect on this problem.any solution?
> nasim
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