i got error with runing ticker.exe from Quick Start

Konstantin Volkov kv.russia at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 16:09:25 UTC 2009

hello. I got error, when i tryed to do "Quick start"

i did install rtems on ubuntu:
1) rpm to deb (for sparc and avr)
2) check out the rtems
3) and tryed to do "wiki Quick Start" i added /opt/rtems-4.10/bin to the
But when i wrote command " sparc-rtems4.10-gdb ticker.exe" (runed from
directory) i got the error sparc-rtems4.10-gdb:error while loading shared
libraries: libexpat.so.0:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

why it can not find the file from ticker directory (there is ticket.exe in
ticket directory
why it answered what sparc-rtems4.10-gdb is not exist comand?

i can send the screen capture.

life is good.

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