Anyone booting RTEMS from MS-DOS?

Chris Johns chrisj at
Mon Mar 2 23:05:30 UTC 2009

Steven Grunza wrote:
> I'm trying to run the "Hello, world" application using the pc386 BSP.  I
> have a single board computer with built-in Flash.  The board currently
> boots into MS-DOS.  I tried following the information in
> for using Luca Abeni's eXtender but end up with the following error:
> C:\RTEMS\PC686>x hello.exe
> MultiBoot Loading
> MultiBoot ELF
> Elf Loading.Error : (X_ELF) Kernel starts before Extended memory top
> Exec_space=0x110000 Needed Memory=145216 bytes - Kernel starts=0x100000
> .
> Elf Loading.Error : (X_ELF) Kernel starts before Extended memory top
> Exec_space=0x110000 Needed Memory=145216 bytes - Kernel starts=0x100000
> .
> Program loading failed!
> This happens with the pc386, pc386dx, pc586, and pc686 BSP's.  Anyone
> have a suggestion?  I don't plan on using MS-DOS in the final
> application but I don't have enough experience with grub to try to
> figure out how to get grub onto the internal flash.
> The actual target hardware is a Kontron AM4002
> (
> or/am4002.html) with 2GB of Flash, apparently connected to look like
> IDE-connect CompactFlash.

Do you have EMM or some other memory manager running ?

Can I suggest you remove them and try ?


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