SIS aplication interrupted with rtems4.8

Nicolas Horro nhorro at
Mon Mar 9 16:59:39 UTC 2009


I forgot some differences between bootloaders being used in SIS and
real HW. Adding a

ERC32_MEC.Watchdog_Trap_Door_Set = 0x0;

worked fine.



2009/3/9 Fabrício de Novaes Kucinskis <fabricio at>:
> It works for me too (RTEMS 4.8.1).
> The address you received in your error message (0x020001f0) is the default
> address for the watchdog timeout trap, which has the opcode for a "ta 0"
> instruction (91d02000).
> I don't know if you have a modified version of SIS (don't remember now what
> does SIS do to the watchdog, nor the BSP) but it's clear that your boot
> loader is disabling the watchdog. Try to write something in the Watchdog
> Trap Door Set MEC register at the beginning of your code to disable the
> watch dog.
> Regards,
> Fabrício de Novaes Kucinskis - DEA / INPE
> ------------------------------------------------
> Onboard Data Handling Group - SUBORD
> Aerospace Electronics Division
> Brazilian National Institute for Space Research

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