Static memory footprint analysis

Chris Johns chrisj at
Tue Mar 10 00:15:58 UTC 2009

Ingolf Steinbach wrote:
> is it possible to calculate the memory footprint of an RTEMS/sparc
> application (which does NOT use dynamic memory allocation like
> malloc()) by just analyzing the ELF file? Something like:
> % sparc-rtems-objdump --headers application.exe |
> sum_size_column_for_ALLOC_sections
> % sparc-rtems-gdb application.exe
> (gdb) print Configuration.work_space_size
> and then add the outputs. Which memory consuming components are not
> covered by this (i.e. is there more than ALLOC sections and RTEMS
> workspace)?

The libc, networking or other services could be calling malloc. For example 
printf will cause stdout to allocate a buffer.

> (RTEMS-4.6.5 solution preferred)

Newer versions of RTEMS have heap reporting functions that help here.

> Kind regards
> Ingolf
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