Initializing networking

Thomas Doerfler Thomas.Doerfler at
Tue Nov 3 06:31:26 UTC 2009


David Dudley wrote:
> I attempted to change the interface, by going in to the bsp.h file, and
> changing tsec2 to tsec1 (and vice versa), but it still insists in using
> tsec2.  Is the unit number set somewhere separate from the name?
> To activate the switch, I just loaded the firmware from within the u-bot
> monitor (the same and Linux does), and then loaded RTEMS.  However, I cannot
> find tsec1 anywhere on the network interfaces lists, regardless of how I
> configure rtems_bsdnet_config.  It seems that the configuration I generate
> is ignored, and some default internal list is used instead.

then I assume that your changes to bsp.h do not make it to your
application binary. Which steps do you do after changing bsp.h? You
should be aware that c/src/lib/libsp/powerpc/gen83xx/include/bsp.h will
be copied to your "Install" directory (which may be at
/opt/rtems-4.10/powerpc-rtems4.10/gen83xx/*). And normally, an
application will use this copy. So changing bs.h in the source tree
without installing it ("make install") will not make the change visible
to the application.

Does this help?



> David
> On 11/2/09 4:21 PM, "Thomas Doerfler" <Thomas.Doerfler at>
> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> the problem on the MPC8313ERDB is, that tsec1 is routed on the
>> integrated switch and when we ported RTEMS to that board we were not
>> sure how to properly initialize it, so we chose tse2 as the "first"
>> interface. The same driver supports both TSECs of a mpc8349
>> simultaneously, so I am sure this can also be done on a MPC8313.
>> The only thing to be done to switch the interface is to really change
>> the name. The digits at the end of the name spcify the physical
>> interface used, so if you specify "tsec1" then the interface you are
>> looking for should be used.
>> Once again, I am not sure what additional things might be required to
>> use the ethernet switch that is integrated on the MPC8313ERDB board, so
>> maybe this unit is the reason why you did not get tsec1 to work?
>> wkr,
>> Thomas.
>> David Dudley wrote:
>>> I¹m attempting to setup networking on a FreeScale mpc8313erdb, and I
>>> need to set it up so I can netboot and run off of tsec1 on the board.
>>> No matter what I do, it seems that RTEMS is insisting that I use tsec2
>>> as the *only* network interface on the card.  Even going into the bsp.h
>>> file and reversing NAME and NAME2 doesn¹t fix it, although I can edit
>>> the names, and the changes to the name text appears.
>>> Questions:
>>>    1. Is tsec1 supported?  If so, how do I set it up?
>>>    2. Does RTEMS even support multiple network interfaces?
>>>    3. I build a rtems_bsdnet_config structure properly, with tsec1,
>>>       tsec2 and lo0, but when entering into the bootpc_init routine, it
>>>       insists that tsec1 doesn¹t exist, and only tsec2 and lo0 show up
>>>       on the ifnet-> list.  How/where do I initialize the ifnet-> to
>>>       point to my structure?
>>>    4. Is it supported to have a single network interface boot using
>>>       bootp, and another containing a static IP address?
>>> David Dudley
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embedded brains GmbH
Thomas Doerfler        Obere Lagerstrasse 30
D-82178 Puchheim       Germany
email: Thomas.Doerfler at
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Fax:   +49-89-18908079-9
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