
Andrei Chichak groups at
Mon Nov 9 21:29:58 UTC 2009

Hi All,

I'm trying to get the networking telnetd example code running on a new  
4.9.2 based BSP derived from the AV5282, and I'm having problems.

My memory is set up with:
0000 0000-007F FFFF - External FLASH (2M)
1000 0000-10FF FFFF - SDRAM (16M)
2000 0000-2000 FFFF - Internal SRAM (64K)

I am booting from flash without a ROM monitor or bootloader. I have  
tested the processor and BSP to work with 3 serial ports, 11  
processes, SPI, and DIO, semaphores, and message passing, at 64MHz on  
the program I am developing. I have made no modifications to the  
network.c file in the BSP.

I built my BSP on mingw using the Chris Johns method -
../rtems-4.9.2/configure --target=m68k-rtems4.9 \
--disable-itron \
--disable-posix \
--enable-networking \
--enable-rtemsbsp=cml5282 \

I am having problems with the ethernet portion of my app, so I dropped  
back to the example to see if I could get anything working.

When I telnet to the board, the board seems to be receiving packets  
according to rtems_bsdnet_show_if_stats, but never transmit anything.  
The calling host never receives the MAC address as seen in arp -a.  
Telnet hangs then exits with:
telnet: connect to address Operation timed out
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

rtems_bsdnet_show_ip_stats and rtems_bsdnet_show_icmp_stats gives me  
the headers but nothing else.

************ INTERFACE STATISTICS ************
***** fs1 *****
Ethernet Address: 00:04:9F:00:5B:21
Address:     Broadcast Address:    Net mask:
Flags: Up Broadcast Running Simplex
Send queue limit:50   length:0    Dropped:0
   Rx Interrupts:0         Rx Packet Count:5            Rx Broadcast:3
    Rx Multicast:2         CRC/Align error:0            Rx Undersize:0
     Rx Oversize:0             Rx Fragment:0               Rx Jabber:0
           Rx 64:3               Rx 65-127:2              Rx 128-255:0
      Rx 256-511:0             Rx 511-1023:0            Rx 1024-2047:0
       Rx >=2048:0               Rx Octets:340            Rx Dropped:0
     Rx frame OK:3            Rx CRC error:0          Rx Align error:0
   FIFO Overflow:0         Rx Pause Frames:0            Rx Octets OK:192
   Tx Interrupts:0         Tx Output Waits:0         Tx Realignments:0
  Tx Unaccounted:0         Tx Packet Count:0            Tx Broadcast:0
    Tx Multicast:0         CRC/Align error:0            Tx Undersize:0
     Tx Oversize:0             Tx Fragment:0               Tx Jabber:0
   Tx Collisions:0                   Tx 64:0               Tx 65-127:0
      Tx 128-255:0              Tx 256-511:0             Tx 511-1023:0
    Tx 1024-2047:0               Tx >=2048:0               Tx Octets:0
      Tx Dropped:0             Tx Frame OK:0          Tx 1 Collision:0
Tx >1 Collision:0             Tx Deferred:0          Late Collision:0
  Excessive Coll:0           FIFO Underrun:0           Carrier Error:0
    Tx SQE Error:0         Tx Pause Frames:0            Tx Octets OK:0

************ ICMP Statistics ************

************ IP Statistics ************

Receive and transmit buffers are allocated from SRAM by default, which  
is okay, I use SDRAM for everything else. So, the MCF5282_FEC_ERDSR is  
set to 2000 0000 and ETDSR is set to 2000 0100. They contain pointers  
into the SDRAM, so that looks okay.

A printk shows that neither the rtemsShell or the echoShell are being  

Can anybody spot what the problem may be?

Andrei Chichak

Systems Developer
CBF Systems Inc.
4-038 NINT Innovation Centre
11421 Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2M9

Phone: 780-628-2072
Skype: andrei.chichak

Andrei Chichak

Systems Developer
CBF Systems Inc.
4-038 NINT Innovation Centre
11421 Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2M9

Phone: 780-628-2072
Skype: andrei.chichak

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