qemu PowerPC BSP?

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at OARcorp.com
Fri Sep 18 13:41:30 UTC 2009


I am curious if we already have a BSP that will run on
the PowerPC simulator provided by qemu.

$ qemu-system-ppc -M -?
Supported machines are:
g3beige    Heathrow based PowerMAC (default)
mac99      Mac99 based PowerMAC
prep       PowerPC PREP platform
ref405ep   ref405ep
taihu      taihu
bamboo     bamboo
mpc8544ds  mpc8544ds

The taihu is an AMCC 405EP reference platform.
The bamboo is an AMCC 440EP reference platform.

Shouldn't we have some BSPs that work on some of
those already? 

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel.sherrill at OARcorp.com        On-Line Applications Research
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